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1964 Wendell Lowder
1965 Wendell Lowder
1966 Max Isley
1967 Ralph Harris
1968 T.R. Humphrey
1969 Luther Shoffner
1970 William G. Crumpler
1971 William G. Crumpler
1972 James W. Lester
1973 George Whitesell
1974 Wendell Lowder
1975 Bill Croxton .
1976 George Whitesell
1977 G.W. Wagoner, Jr.
1978 Garland Burgess
1979 Martin Shoffner
1980 Robert Ellenberg
1981 Ted Wilkinson
1982 Gordon Oliver
1983 Rodney Aulbert
1984 James Ford
1985 Roger Stutts
1986 Jack Morton
1987 Rodney Aulbert
1988 Charles Jones
1989 Ronnie Norton
1990 Bobby Murrell
1991 Don Braxton
1992 Keith Dodson
1993 Leon Stutts .
1994 Grant Fox
1995 Grant Fox
1996 Ray Maness
1997 Bill Brown
1998 Donnie Murrell
1999 Neil Carey
2000 David Hadley
2001 Jimmy Collins
2002 Thomas Weaver
2003 Eddie Boswell
2004 Clifton Fogleman
2005 Jjimmy Whitesell
2006 Mike Wilkinson
2007 Bill Brown
2008 Glenn Cornett
2009 James Hunter
2010 James Hunter
Alamance-Caswell Homebuilders Association
2450 Hanford Road Burlington, NC 27215
T: 336-227-1336
F: 336-227-2123