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North Carolina Home Builders Association
Chartered in 1962, the North Carolina
Home Builders Association is a trade association consisting of builder and associate member-firms and a network of local builder associations and chapters throughout North
Carolina. NCHBA is affiliated with the National
Association of Home Builders.
NCHBA comprises the many thousands of hard working men and women who represent the North Carolina
residential construction industry. The benefits of the association and the building industry accrue not only to its members, but also to the general public at large through the enhanced economic and social benefits derived from a viable building industry.
Through its programs and activities, the association encourages industry professionalism. provides a forum to consolidate industry views and serves as a proactive advocate for the building industry which, through
assistance of NCHBA, provides homes for the
citizens of North Carolina.
• An indispensable asset to its members.
• The voice of the residential building industry in
North Carolina.
• Professional development programs to assist
members in providing quality, safe and
affordable housing.
• The primary source for information and
education for members on industry issues.
• Proactive influence on legislation and
regulatory issues through a vigorous
political presence.
• Supporting the growth, effectiveness and
professionalism of affiliated associations and
• Enhancing the professional image of builders and the building industry through education and the benefits of membership.
• Encouraging member participation
Alamance-Caswell Homebuilders Association
2450 Hanford Road Burlington, NC 27215
T: 336-227-1336
F: 336-227-2123